Of Keith & More: Medical School 2

6 min readApr 18, 2022

For a class we spent around 2 years in, it was that bad. I didn’t even want to write this until I was sure I passed my exams but if I fail then I definitely wouldn’t write this. Ignorance is bliss. I wish I could go back to the time when I didn’t know what an amygdala was.


I Don’t Want To Abstain

The first wtf moment I remember having in class was due to a contraceptive slide. Not wtf that they were teaching us about contraceptives; yay sex ed. but more about the slide itself. You see the first contraception talked about was abstinence (that’s not so bad, it does have a 100% success rate). The problem was afterward. We learned about 9 contraceptive methods that day. In between and all around those 9, abstinence was mentioned 12 different times. It was like the lecturer only wanted to teach abstinence but the curriculum forced them to tell us about the rest.

As seen in said slide

Another thing I am absolutely fascinated with is the slides that had bible verses in them. Like you really think I’ll be reading one of the large volumes of things I have to go through or revising for an exam that’s the next day and I’ll go “oh here’s Philippians 3:14, I'm very sure there’s going to be a stem on it”. Maybe it’s succor to those that believe.

For me though, it’s the cute motivational words or pictures in between some slides. Warms the heart enough to briefly ignore that you don't understand half of the material.

Misogyny On Steroids

Early in the year, we had this class, a lecturer said “ women don’t expend mental energy, they are incapable of mental activity and jump to conclusions”. That was a huge red flag yeah but then as a feminist witch, I was determined to prove him wrong using education (It’s not like I could tell a lecturer that he was being misogynistic.). He asked a question and I answered, he said I was wrong. A guy answered and he was full of praise. Later on, we found out that I wasn’t only right, my answer was so correct, it was a point later on in his slide. You might not believe me so here are the receipts:

Another time a lecturer said in an address to the guys in the class and I do not quote because I cannot remember the exact words: all these girls now, just ice cream and shawarma and they will agree for you in a class when the only thing mentioned concerning food was that women have more body fat than men. I am still not sure how we got there because agree on what?

On the brighter side, at least they didn’t advise all the girls to be virgins. That was someone else. This time going on and on about as a woman and keeping yourself because in the future... I stood up and asked if all the girls should be virgins, then what should the guys do? Answered perfunctorily and went back to discussing the female virginity.

Lots more examples but I’ll stop here as it is bloody. In a class about the female reproductive system, a lecturer said that women who do abortions are “wasting” and reducing the eggs god gave them. All was well and cool but then I asked (what is my problem?) “ but won’t the egg also be wasted out as blood during menstruation”. If I get a sufficient enough answer to this from them, I'll update the article.

Dey Craze Dey Go

My best analogy for mental health in this school is rain. You know when you wash your clothes and spread them outside to dry but less than 10 minutes later, rain starts falling so you don’t bother to take in the clothes because all the rain will do is make them wet but they're already wet. Do not attempt to fix your mental health, before that self-care day is over or before you finish internalizing the latest stress coping mechanism you saw on IG, something else will happen.

Monday: we have an in-course on the course we did in 3 weeks that should be done in 8 weeks

Tuesday: Greatest Compssaite no light for the next 78 hours but we don't know that yet so we’ll tell you it will be fixed tonight

Wednesday: Today’s class will be on WhatsApp using vns

On a lighter note, I think it’s very telling that yemyem doesn’t ask for an 18+ ID card before selling alcohol. It’s almost like they fully expect this school to drive us to the bottle and made it available for everyone. Not a very optimistic outlook; not wrong though.



There are a lot of Christians in this school and sometimes they annoy me. One stayed with me through boiling and frying 3 rounds of chicken because she refused to accept that I was irreligious. Another said she would pray for the deliverance of my soul after she said the angels are crying for me, and I replied that the angels can go fuck themselves.

PS I was reading for an in-course and she was disturbing.

Be like the Muslims. Prepare Bch practical material for generations to come, wear fine clothes on Friday and live peacefully in the confidence that you will go to heaven but I won’t. That should be enough.


Not to sound as vague as people usually are, here’s a pictorial depiction.


Covid was very unfortunate for a lot of people for many reasons, mine is more peculiar. Most of the entire reason why I studied hard for a spot in this school is that I heard that the hostels never close. For my entire 6+x years here, the school was supposed to be always open. 1 week in, covid came and we were all sent home. I was pissed is an understatement. Why am I here if there are situations that can make me have to go home? (It is interesting to note that as I was typing this paragraph, another memo came in compulsorily sending us home for the third time in 2 years)


Regarding security in this school, I did not put my faith in a lot of people but it is definitely in all the “friends” of the oph staircase. Up till 3 am-4 am, I’m quite confident that they will spot any attacks coming towards the hostel from their vantage point and will warn the rest of us of any impending attacks.

About molly, if you had read my Cmul vs Euphoria article, you would have your answer.

I do not know the blocks in any of the hostels or the numbers of the rmos but considering my 4 years left and all the years ASUU is willing to dash me, I still have time.

I am really really annoyed at the people (mostly men) who pee around the school. You cannot take a short stroll from your hostel to the gate without urea permeating the cool evening breeze.

Everyone is forever taking strolls in this school and I don’t know but there should be an unspoken rule about these strolls. If you’re with a partner, especially at the very late or very early hours of the day, don’t greet me. I do my best to ignore all I’m seeing then you call out my name. Why? Are you not occupied enough?

In conclusion, the probability of part 2 to this is as sure as rain not spoiling the school’s light.

